Environment Documentation


Atmosphere inspector.

Atmosphere is an optional aircraft component that simulates the atmosphere parameters such as air density, pressure and temperature. It is not global and needs to be added to each aircraft that will use it.

If the Atmosphere is not attached the AircraftController and Airfoil will use default air density, temperature, and other parameters which roughly equal typical sea-level values.

The only adjustable values are:

  • T0 (sea level temperature) - the temperature in Kelvin at sea level.
  • TL (temperature lapse rate) - drop in temperature in Kelvin for each meter climbed.
  • P0 (air pressure at G0) - air pressure in [Pa] at standard gravity.

If using the NWH Aerodynamics on Earth-like planets these parameters can be left on their defaults.

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  • Wind affects Airfoil and AerodynamicDragObject behavior.
  • Only one wind generator can be present in the scene.
  • By inheriting from NWH.Aerodynamics.Environment.WindGeneratorBase a custom wind generator can be created.

Random Wind Generator

RandomWindGenerator inspector.

Generates wind using random values. RandomWindGenerator is a global script and needs to be added to the scene only once.

  • Strength - wind magnitude in m/s. Value will oscillate between TargetStrength - Strength Variation and TargetStrength + StrengthVariation with StrenghtVariationSpeed.
  • Direction - direction of the wind as a normalized vector. Refers to the world coordinates. Value will spherically oscillate around TargetDirection by DirectionVariation.

Inherits from WindGeneratorBase. Custom wind generators can be added by inheriting from that base class.

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