Table of Contents

All input providers inherit from either AircraftInputProviderBase or SceneInputProviderBase, but differ in their implementation.

Input System Warning

When importing the asset for the first time this message will pop up:

Both Yes or No can be selected but it is important to set the Project Settings ⇒ Player ⇒ Input Handling to Both afterwards. This way both new InputSystem and the old InputManager will work. If this setting is set to InputManager only errors might appear as the demo scenes of the asset rely on InputSystem.
If a message This Unity Package has Package Manager dependencies. appears, click Install/Upgrade.

Available Bindings

AircraftInput Provider Bindings

Out of the box gamepad bindings are only available for InputSystem.

Name Type Keyboard Defaults Gamepad Defaults
Ailerons axis A/D LS - Horizontal
AileronsTrimLeft button H Button North + Right
AileronsTrimRight button K Button North + Left
Rudder axis Q/E L/R Trigger
RudderTrimLeft button Y
RudderTrimRight button I
Elevator axis W/S LS - Vertical
ElevatorTrimUp button U Button North + Up
ElevatorTrimDown button J Button North + Down
FlapsExtend button F7 Right Shoulder
FlapsExtendFully button F8
FlapsRetract button F6 Left Shoulder
FlapsRetractFully button F5
Spoilers button /
LandingLights button L
NavigationLights button K
LandingGear button G
EngineStartCommon button T Button West
EngineStopCommon button F Button North + West
ThrottleCommon axis F12
ThrottleIdle button F1
ThrottleIncrease button F3 Button South
ThrottleDecrease button F2 Button North
ThrottleFull button F4
ParkingBrake button , Button North + East
Brakes button . Button North
BrakesLeft button -
BrakesRight button =
SmokeSystem button I
PropPitch axis F9/F10
PropPitchIncrease button F12
PropPitchDecrease button F11
Scene Input Provider Bindings
Name Type Keyboard Defaults Gamepad Defaults Description
ChangeCamera button C Start Changes camera.
CameraRotation 2D axis Mouse Delta Right Stick Controls camera rotation.
CameraPanning 2D axis Mouse Delta Right Stick Controls camera panning.
CameraRotationModifier button Mouse - LMB Right Stick Press Enables camera rotation.
CameraPanningModifier button Mouse - RMB Left Stick Press Enables camera panning.
CameraZoom axis Mouse - Scroll D-Pad Up/Down Camera zoom in/out.
ChangeVehicle button V Select Change vehicle or enter/exit vehicle.
FPSMovement 2D axis WASD Left Stick Demo FPS controller movement.
ToggleGUI button Tab Toggles demo scene GUI.

Input Manager (old/classic)

InputSystem package is required even if not used. If using the old/classic Unity input set Project Settings ⇒ Player ⇒ Input Handling to Both and proceed as normal. InputSystem package being present installed will not interfere with old/classic Unity input / InputManager.


When first importing NWH Aerodynamics the project will be missing the required bindings in Unity Input Manager. There are two ways to add those:

  1. Manually adding each entry to the Project Settings ⇒ Input following the input bindings table.
  2. Copying the contents of InputBindings.txt and appending them to the contents of the [UnityProjectPath]/ProjectSettings/InputManager.asset file. To do so:
    • Close Unity.
    • Open InputManager.asset in a text editor of your choice.
    • Copy the contents of the provided InputBindings.txt file (NWH ⇒ Aerodynamics ⇒ Scripts ⇒ Input ⇒ InputProviders ⇒ InputManagerProvider ⇒ InputBindings.txt) and paste them at the end of the InputManager.asset. Make sure there are no empty lines between the existing content and the pasted content. Also make sure that all the indents are correct. Save the file.
    • Open Unity. Check Project Settings ⇒ Input. The input bindings for NWH Aerodynamics will appear towards the bottom of the list.
Scene Setup

To set up InputManager-based input in the scene add the following components to the scene:

  1. 'InputManagerAircraftInputProvider'
  2. 'InputManagerSceneInputProvider'

Any vehicle that is present in the scene will now receive input from these providers.

Input System (new)

Scene Setup


Retrieving Input

Multiple InputProviders can be present in the scene, meaning that their input has to be combined to get the final input result. To get the combined input use:

float ailerons = InputProvider.CombinedInput(i => i.Ailerons());
bool landingGear = InputProvider.CombinedInput(i => i.LandingGear());

Or to get the input from individual InputProviders (say to find out if a button was pressed on a keyboard):

float ailerons = InputProvider.Instances[0].Ailerons;
Manually Setting Input

Input in each vehicle is stored in InputStates struct:


In case input should not be retrieved from user but from another script - as is the case when AI is used - AutoSettable should be set to false. This will disable automatic input fetching from the active InputProviders.

Input now can be set from any script:

myAircraftInputManager.Ailerons = myFloatValue;
Custom InputProvider

If a custom InputProvider is needed it can easily be written. Custom InputProviders allow for new input methods or for modifying the existing ones. E.g. if the MobileInputProvider does not fit the needs of the project a copy of it can be made and modifications are done on that copy. That way it will not get overwritten when the asset is updated.

Steps to create a new InputProvider: