Propulsion in NWH Aerodynamics consists of two main groups of classes; engines and propulsors. The engines are power generators while propulsors are power consumers. Examples of engine to propulsor pairings are:

All engines can theoretically be paired to all propulsors.


Engines can be attached to any child object of an AircraftController but it is usually a good idea to create a dedicated empty GameObject for it. All classes inheriting from AircraftEngineBase have some common fields:

Power & Torque
Piston Engine

General piston engine implementation. Usually paired with PropellerPropulsor.

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Turbine Engine

General turbine engine implementation. Usually paired with PropellerPropulsor (turboprop) or JetPropulsor (turbojet).

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Propulsor ThrustPoint and ThrustDirection displayed with gizmos.

Propulsors in NWH Aerodynamics take power from the engines and converts it into thrust.

All Propulsors have some common fields:

Propeller Propulsor
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Jet Propulsor
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